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Considerations When Setting up a Home Office with Multiple Desks

When setting up a home office, whether for yourself or as part of a larger work-from-home team, there are many factors to consider. What type of desks makes the most sense? Should they be individual or shared? Where will these desks fit in the space available, and how much distance should be between them? How can you use the transfer of natural light to your advantage and provide proper lighting if not? 

It can seem overwhelming at first... But with thoughtful planning and prioritizing what's needed versus what's wanted, setting up a productive yet comfortable workspace with multiple desks doesn't have to be difficult!

Tips to Consider When Setting up Multiple Desks

Setting up a home office with multiple desks requires careful planning to ensure functionality, productivity, and comfort. This guide will delve deeper into each consideration, providing a comprehensive understanding of creating an efficient and ergonomic workspace.

Space and Layout

When setting up a home office with multiple desks, start by assessing the available space in the room. Consider the size and shape of the room, as well as the positions of doors, windows, electrical outlets, and other fixtures. This evaluation will help you determine the best layout for your desks.

To maximize space utilization, plan the layout for easy movement and accessibility. Consider factors such as traffic flow, furniture arrangement, and the workspace's overall flow. Experiment with different desk configurations to find the most efficient use of space. Take into account the dimensions of your desk, whether it complements or impedes your work processes, and if you require tabletop customization efforts for a more harmonious integration.


To optimize productivity, allocating desks based on their intended functions is important. Consider your tasks at each desk, such as computer work, paperwork, meetings, or collaborative projects. By assigning desks based on these functions, you can ensure that each workstation has the necessary tools and resources.

For example, designate one desk as the primary computer workstation with a comfortable chair, a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse. Another desk can be dedicated to paperwork, with a printer, file cabinets, and document storage. If collaboration is key, set up a desk for group work, providing space for multiple people, a whiteboard, and additional seating.


Creating an ergonomic workspace is essential for individuals using multiple desks' long-term health and well-being. Pay attention to the ergonomics of each workstation to promote comfort and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal strain.

Start by ensuring that each desk is at an appropriate height. The desk surface should be level with your elbows when your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle. This positioning allows for proper alignment and reduces neck, shoulder, and back strain. Adjustable desks are an excellent option as they provide flexibility for users of varying heights. Moreover, desks with tabletops that can be customized allow you to explore different sizing options, rather than be restricted to cramped or overly wide workspaces that put you at risk of discomfort or health issues.

Investing in ergonomic chairs with adjustable features is crucial. Look for chairs with lumbar support, adjustable seat height, armrests, and sufficient cushioning. These features promote proper posture and provide adequate support throughout the workday.

Additionally, consider ergonomic accessories to enhance comfort. Monitor stands can position screens at eye level, reducing strain on the neck. Keyboard trays can help maintain a neutral wrist position, preventing repetitive strain injuries. Footrests can alleviate pressure on the legs and improve circulation.


Lighting plays a significant role in productivity and reducing eye strain. Providing adequate lighting for each workstation is important when setting up multiple desks.

Position desks near natural light sources, such as windows, to maximize daylight. Natural light has been shown to impact mood and focus positively. However, be cautious of glare and direct sunlight that can hinder visibility and cause discomfort. Adjustable blinds or curtains can help regulate the amount of light entering the space.

Supplement natural light with task lighting, such as adjustable desk lamps. These lamps provide focused illumination for specific work areas. Choose lamps with adjustable brightness levels and position them to prevent shadows and glare on the work surface.

Consider using LED bulbs that mimic natural light, as they are energy-efficient and provide consistent lighting without flickering.

Storage and Organisation

Efficient storage and organization are essential for maintaining a clutter-free and productive workspace. Evaluate your storage needs and incorporate appropriate solutions for each desk.

File cabinets, shelves, drawers, and desk organizers can help keep supplies, documents, and equipment accessible and well-organized. Dedicate specific storage areas for each desk, ensuring that essential items are within arm's reach. This organization prevents time wasted searching for materials and improves overall efficiency.

Implement labeling systems and color-coding techniques to streamline the organization further. Clearly label storage containers, folders, and cabinets to identify their contents easily. Use color-coded folders or storage bins to categorize and differentiate between different types of documents or supplies. This visual cue enhances efficiency and minimizes confusion.

Connectivity and Technology

In today's digital age, connectivity and technology are vital for setting up a home office with multiple desks. Ensure easy access to power outlets and internet connections for each workstation.

Identify the devices used at each desk, such as computers, printers, scanners, and charging stations for mobile devices. Plan the desk layout accordingly so that each workstation can easily access the necessary power outlets.

Install surge protectors or power strips to accommodate multiple devices and protect them from power surges. This setup minimizes cable clutter and ensures a clean and organized workspace.

Arrange cables and wires neatly to prevent tangling and potential tripping hazards. Cable management solutions like cable clips, sleeves, or trays can help maintain an organized, hazard-free environment. These solutions enhance safety and facilitate easier access and maintenance of devices.

Privacy and Distractions

Consider privacy and minimizing distractions when setting up multiple desks in a home office. Position desks away from high-traffic areas or noise sources to minimize disruptions.

If privacy is required for focused work or meetings, consider using room dividers, curtains, or acoustic panels to create separate zones. These elements provide a visual and auditory barrier, allowing individuals to work without unnecessary interruptions. Noise-canceling headphones or background music can also create a more conducive working environment by reducing external distractions.

Aesthetics and Personalization

Creating an aesthetically pleasing and personalized workspace can create a positive work environment. When setting up a home office with multiple desks, incorporate elements that reflect your taste and style while maintaining a cohesive and professional atmosphere.

Choose furniture, decor, and color schemes that resonate with your preferences. Consider factors such as the color of the walls, the style of furniture, and the overall ambience of the space. These choices can enhance your mood, motivation, and overall satisfaction with the workspace.

Adding personal touches like artwork, plants, or meaningful items can create a more inspiring and enjoyable work environment. Just be mindful not to clutter the space, as excessive decor can become distracting.

Collaboration and Communication

If the multiple desks are intended for collaboration and teamwork, it's important to integrate tools and technologies that facilitate communication and cooperation among team members.

Consider installing video conferencing equipment for virtual meetings or collaborative projects. Webcams, microphones, and speakers allow for clear communication and effective collaboration when team members are not physically present in the office.

Shared project management software can enhance collaboration by providing a centralized platform for task allocation, progress tracking, and file sharing. Interactive whiteboards or digital collaboration tools can facilitate brainstorming sessions and creative discussions.

Ensure that the necessary tools and technologies are easily accessible to all team members, promoting seamless communication and effective teamwork.

Safety and Accessibility

When setting up a home office with multiple desks, safety and accessibility should be prioritized. Ensure that the workspace complies with safety standards and regulations.

Evaluate the accessibility of each desk, especially if you or any team members have specific mobility requirements. Consider installing ramps, handrails, or other accessibility aids to facilitate movement throughout the workspace.

Pay attention to safety measures such as proper lighting to prevent accidents and non-slip flooring to minimize the risk of slips and falls. Secure loose cables to prevent tripping hazards, position heavy or fragile equipment in a stable manner to avoid potential accidents.

Regularly inspect and maintain the office space to promptly identify and address any safety hazards.


When setting up a home office, don't let it overwhelm you. Think critically about the most important factors and prioritize what's needed versus what's wanted. With careful planning, you can create a comfortable and productive workspace that will make working from home much easier.

Investing in desks with proper spacing to accommodate your work style is essential for efficient work habits — MyDesk.SG offers various desk solutions. From standing desks to customizable gaming options and minimalist models to more traditional designs, we have the desk arrangements that satisfy your preferences in size, height, shape and material to help create the individual or shared space you need for comfort and productivity. Visit MyDesk.SG today for all your desk needs — let us help bring your workspace vision to life!